what i’ve learned about moving

This shouldn’t be a hard one to guess. I’ve learned that packing sucks, and that unpacking sucks even more.

Thank goodness I’m not a thousand months pregnant or the amount that’s already been done so far would have been non-existent.

The one thing I did not want to go and do after work today was pack up more stuff from the old place. So I went to the old place, sat on the ground and called my grandma. Grandma’s trump packing up things you probably don’t care about anyways.

After I got off the phone with her, I got out of denial and got to work. It really was only our bedroom and the kitchen left, so I targeted the kitchen today. Baby’s gotta eat!

For some reason I move in slow motion when I do things I dread. So what probably could have taken 45 mins, I turned it into an hour and a half. And did I mention that I was hungry the whole time!!

It’s hard to believe that this space used to be our living room!!


Now just an empty space that makes me wonder why it looked so much smaller with our stuff in it!! Does pregnancy mess with your perception?!

Once I got back to the new place, I quickly got out the things I needed to make vegan BLTs (like the frying pan I dragged over from the old place), and pretty much devoured that bad boy!!

(recycled photo yet still delicious)


You can find me not unpacking the kitchen tonight because I can’t even bare to touch those boxes.


Same goes for the hallway.


As for where my sanity stands…your guess is as good as mine.


Since this was clearly not a baby bump post, that will be coming tomorrow. But for now, I did put this little pic together. Do you see the changes?!


What do you hate most about moving?
I seriously have to say it all..moving to a newer and bigger place was my only motivation.

What’s your favourite sandwich??
Love these vegan BLTs right now but also love a veggie sub from Subway!

Sorry if the photos are huge. I have no concept of their size on my phone. Thats one thing I’ll have to look at and alter if need be when I get my comp on some Internet!!

5 thoughts on “what i’ve learned about moving

  1. Pingback: what i’ve learned about moving: part two « char eats greens

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